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What Every Jasper Resident Should Know About Centipede Control

a centipede on a big tire

Centipedes can be unsettling to look at, but what do you do if they're invading your home? Here's what Jasper residents should know about identifying centipedes, whether they're venomous, what attracts them to Jasper homes, and how pest control in Jasper can help keep your home completely centipede-free.

How To Identify Centipedes

While the specific appearance of centipedes can vary from species to species, their coloring usually ranges from dark brown to yellow-gray. Centipede bodies are segmented and flat, with each segment containing one pair of legs. As their name seems to suggest, centipedes can have over a hundred legs – although some species may have as little as 15 legs while others have up to 177.

Centipedes have a pair of long mandibles, and the first couple pairs of legs contain sharp claws and venom glands. Centipedes are predators, and these traits make it easier for them to paralyze and capture other pests.

How long do centipedes live? These critters can live anywhere from a year to six years, which can give them plenty of time to terrorize your home, but you may have little chance to see them. Centipedes are nocturnal, so it's unlikely you'll see them during the day.

Are Centipedes In Jasper Venomous?

Are centipedes venomous, and can centipedes bite? While they don't bite traditionally, centipedes will use their venomous forelegs to pinch or "bite" if they feel threatened.

While most centipedes are venomous, they aren't medically dangerous or life-threatening to people. However, that doesn't mean these bites aren't painful. Much like a bee sting or spider bite, you may experience some swelling and localized pain for several hours following an encounter with a centipede.

In rare cases, some individuals may have an allergic reaction to certain types of centipede bites. If you begin to deal with these symptoms, you should seek medical attention promptly: 

  • Swelling that doesn't go away 
  • Fever
  • Chills 
  • Muscle weakness

Pain after a centipede attack is normal, but it will subside on its own in most cases.

What Attracts Centipedes To Jasper Homes?

You may not want centipedes in your home, but why do they want to be there? The biggest reason centipedes invade homes is for food, but what do centipedes eat? These critters have an appetite for other pests, like insects, cockroaches, and even spiders.

So, if your home has an existing pest problem with cockroaches, spiders, or another type of pest prey, you're more likely to deal with a centipede infestation as well.

How To Get Rid Of Centipedes For Good

Because centipede infestations can stem from other pest issues, these critters aren't always easy to get rid of – which is why you may need to enlist help from the pest professionals at Action Pest Control. Regardless of the type of centipede or the size of the infestation, we can turn your Jasper home back into a pest-free zone.

If you need help getting centipedes out of your Jasper home, we can permanently get rid of centipedes and other pest prey that may be drawing them in – call us today at Action Pest Control to get started with our residential pest control service.