: Business / Economics, Technology / Engineering
: Wiley, hardback
Learn to design, build, and scale products consumers can't get enough of How do today's most successful tech companies ̄Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla ̄design, develop, and deploy the products that have earned the love of literally billions of people around the world? Perhaps surprisingly, they do it very differently than most tech companies. With sections on assembling the right people and skillsets, discovering the right product, embracing an effective yet lightweight process, and creating a strong product culture, readers can take the information they learn and immediately leverage it within their own organizations ̄dramatically improving their own product efforts. The first edition of INSPIRED, published ten years ago, established itself as the primary reference for technology product managers, and can be found on the shelves of nearly every successful technology product company worldwide. This thoroughly updated second edition shares the same objective of being the most valuable resource for technology product managers, yet it is completely new ̄sharing the latest practices and techniques of today's most-successful tech product companies, and the men and women behind every great product.