: Blackstone Audio, Incorporated, sound recording
Bestselling author Newt Gingrich proposes a bold vision of the future: America is on the cusp of a renaissance, a new birth of technological and scientific innovation that will dramatically transform the prosperity and quality of life of every American. Our biggest enemy? Special interest groups, powerful lobbyists, and government bureaucrats who are determined to squash, control, or prevent these innovations--and permanently change the future of America. These are the enemies of the future--powerful forces determined to prevent the enormous benefits that American ingenuity will bring. In his groundbreaking new book, Breakout, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich sketches America's future, brimming with possibilities and prosperity. Despite big government regulation and taxation, despite special interest groups and lobbyists, American entrepreneurs, innovators, engineers, and scientists are still abundantly creative and productive. Will big government, whacky extremists, and powerful lobbyists stop these innovations? They will try--with punitive taxes, stifling regulation, and hopelessly outdated policies. Will Americans allow it?