This book will appeal to healthcare professionals, researchers and dermatology professionals, and will help them to brainstorm new products and opportunities that will target the emerging importance of lipid metabolism in skin for acne, ...
Anyone who believes in the need for real foods that combine nutritional and medical benefits and who believes that such foods can be produced, will find this book invaluable.
This book will be a valuable reference tool for those who work on food proteins. It will also be an important text on applied food protein chemistry for upper-level students and graduate students of food science programs.
The book is designed to be a valuable source and reference for scientists, product developers, students, and all professionals with an interest in this field.
New sections cover... the roles vitamins play as catalysts, cellular regulators, and co-substrates biochemical markers for vitamin deficiency and groups at risk the relationship of B12 and folate metabolism to homocysteine regulation, and ...
Abstract: This collection of proceedings from a conference on food uses of whole oil and protein seeds discusses the role of whole plant seeds in the world's diet.
Good health rests, in part, on an adequate and balanced supply of these components. This book is concerned with the major sources of lipids and the micronutrients that they contain.
Organized in five volumes, this series brings information on the applied level of producing and using starch from a range of plants grown in tropical and subtropical areas that have South American origin.