In 2007 Yu-MRS formed two new MRS: MRS-Serbia (official successor of Yu-MRS) and MRS-Montenegro (in founding). In 2008, MRS тАУ Serbia became a member of FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies).
The book begins with a brief discussion of the main concepts in pharmaceutical science. The authors then introduce the key techniques that can be used for fibre production and explain briefly the theory behind them.
Covers elements of pollution prevention programs, identifying pollution prevention options for chemical processes, selecting the best pollution prevention options, and pollution prevention case study modules with solved problems.
This book aims to provide an overview of the challenges and achievements inthe application of the miniaturized sample preparation methods in analytical laboratories.
This book aims to provide an overview of the challenges and achievements inthe application of the miniaturized sample preparation methods in analytical laboratories.
In dem vorliegenden Buche werden die theoretischen Grundlagen fLir denrationellen Allfbau und die zweckmaBige Behandlung von Kessel anhgen im Zusammenhange dal'gestellt und darsus einfache. allgemein giHtige Regeln fiir die ...
In 2007 Yu-MRS formed two new MRS: MRS-Serbia (official successor of Yu-MRS) and MRS-Montenegro (in founding). In 2008, MRS - Serbia became a member of FEMS (Federation of European Materials Societies).
Presents technologies and key concepts to produce suitable smart materials and intelligent structures for sensing, information and communication technology, biomedical applications (drug delivery, hyperthermia therapy), self-healing, ...