According to Corbitt this commandment is not given for God’s benefit but for ours “because God’s love has the power to heal every part of us: painful emotions, fears, and memories; judgments, deficits, and wounds of love; oppressive, ...
With humor, incisive analysis, and sympathy, Douglas paints a tapestry that contributes not just to religious history but argues for its importance to the history of Iowa.
Jubilee means joy—a joy that’s not fleeting, a joy that lasts. In biblical times, a jubilee was a time to rejoice. And this is still the case when the Church announces a jubilee.
The Prayer Guide presents daily content, including: The proprietary Rosary in a Year Reading Plan An introduction from Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, CFR Introductions to each of the 6 phases of the learning method The Scripture passages associated ...
Per questo, il libro di Saverio Gaeta č una guida indispensabile per chiunque voglia capire la tradizione del Giubileo in ogni suo aspetto: il significato storico e spirituale dell'Anno santo, i simboli - dal pellegrinaggio, all'inno, al ...
Documenting Opus Dei’s secret history for the first time, this thrilling work of investigative storytelling raises important questions about the dark forces that shape our society.
Olier's The Mystical Meaning of the Ceremonies of the Mass, first published in 1657, and presented here with an Introduction by Abbé Claude Barthe, is an outstanding example of the application-to the liturgy and its actions-of the search ...
When lectors, readers, and proclaimers of the Word need the most trusted, accurate, and user-friendly tool to help them prepare for the Sunday readings, they rely on Workbook.
Kniha BERNOLÁKOVCI: PREMOŽITELIA ČASU – vytvorená v spolupráci s Domom Matice slovenskej Košice, Kulturologicko-filozofickým odborom Matice slovenskej a Archívom Matice slovenskej – je zároveň zborníkom textov z vedeckého ...