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subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
These volumes are rich in historical content, yet remain relevant to canon lawyers today. Topics covered include such issues as abortion, excommunication, and infertility.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
Autor knihy, odborník na slovenskú a svetovú literatúru PhDr. Ondrej Halás, PhD., systematizuje poznatky Tibenského, Ambruša, Slobodníka; pracuje s prameňmi a napokon pripája aj bohatú obrazovú prílohu.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
An introduction to 'Ancrene Wisse', one of the most important works in English of the 13th century. It offers a new contextualisation which engages with the history of lay piety and vernacular spirituality in the Middle Ages.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
Que solo Jesús se luzca es una biografía del fundador del Opus Dei ilustrada con más de 300 fotos, mapas, infografías y textos autógrafos.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
Through analysis of these "immaculate sounds," rarely studied archival sources, rulebooks, devotional literature, and nun's biographies, Favila locates women's agency within a hierarchical society that silenced some women and required ...
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
This essay is a critique of the dogmatic theses of Saint Thomas Aquinas in the scientific, philosophical and theological fields.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
This book is volume two of a three-volume work, Christianity Under Stress, which focuses on the experiences of Christian churches in contemporary communist and socialist societies.
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
"This study in comparative mysticism (originally given as lectures at the Sorbonne) explores the relationship between Hindu mystics (notably Shankara and Sri Ramakrishna) and Christian Carmelite mystics (notably St. John of the Cross), ...
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
In addition to a history of the later crusades (to the year 1400), the book deals in passing with various items -- crusading propaganda, the postal service of the 14th cent., ecclesiastical & feudal lawsuits, social conditions in papal ...
subject:"Religion / Christianity / Catholic" from
This book is the first consistent theological treatment of the subject of hindu thought known to itself as Trika or Triadiam and popularly as Kashmir Saivism.