In Power at Ground Zero, Lynne Sagalyn offers the definitive account of one of the greatest reconstruction projects in modern world history: the rebuilding of lower Manhattan after 9/11.
The book appeals to planners, architects, and city engineers, especially those who wish to learn or make a study on the systems view of planning, its different theories and methods, its possible future, and its many applications in ...
This book, as a pioneer to review and examine the statistics and distributions of the aged buildings in Hong Kong, provides critical insights on the building decay and neglect problems.
"Prefab Architecture . . . is beyond theory, and beyond most of what we think we know about pods, containers, mods, and joints. This book is more than 'Prefabrication 101.
An analysis of Italian Renaissance art from the perspective of the patrons who made 'conspicuous commissions', this text builds on three concepts from the economics of information - signaling, signposting, and stretching - to develop a ...