inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
A grounding theme of the book is its argument that, far than being conservative, Malaitan religions and cultures have always been adaptable and have proved remarkably flexible in accommodating change.
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
... Selwyn K. Troen, The Public and the Schools: Shaping the Saint Louis System, 1838–1920 (Columbia: University of ... Parker, Missouri as it is in 1865 (Philadelphia, 1867), in Henry S. Williams, “The 1. Steiner, “Appraisal of the ...
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
In this ground-breaking book, Stephen C. Ferguson addresses a seminal question that is too-often ignored: What should be the philosophical basis for African American studies?
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
In this second book-length publication of the programme Media and Education in the Digital Age - MEDA, the authors take a critical stance towards the alleged emancipative affordances of digital storytelling in education.
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
Enclosure marshals bold new arguments about the nature of the conflict in Israel/Palestine.
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
This edition includes new chapters on caring for physician-patients, communicating with colleagues, disclosing unexpected outcomes and medical errors, shared decision making and informed consent, and teaching communication skills.
inauthor: Selwyn Parker from
This innovative guide brings the benefits of life story work - traditionally undertaken with younger children - to young people and adolescents.