... Alistair Smith , “ Growing in Unity : Union Peace Strategy Works in Urabá , Co- lombia , Banana Industry , " New ... in author's possession . 169. Thanks to Cecilia Zarate of the Colombia Support Network for providing a tape of the ...
... in author's possession , argued that Winifred Holtby had an important intermediary role amongst a number of ... Smith , 20 July 1934 ; A. Smith to J. Harris , 5 January 1935 . 84 Daily Herald , 8 December 1933 . 85 Colonial News ...
... Alastair Robson. List. of. Illustrations. 1. Henry Lilley Smith in later life: from an old photograph. 2. The Eye & Ear ... in author's possession; courtesy of 'Clapham through Time' (image edit: Christina Bonnet; original image ...
In this book, with reproductions of his murals, portraits, landscapes and illustrations, Gray tells of his failures and successes which have led his pictures to be accepted by a new generation of visual artists.
... in author's possession. Papayiannis, Noula. “Identity and Belonging Among Second-Generation Greek and Italian ... Smith, 139–68. Leiden: Brill, 2010. Sarah (born 1981, Sydney, Australia). Interviewed by Andrea Cleland, 23 October ...
... in author's collection . Singer , Aubrey . Letter to Barbara Halpern ... in author's col- lection . Smith ... Smith , Hedrick . The Power Game : How Washington Works . New York : Ballantine , 1988 . Smith , Ned . " Interview : Alistair ...
This book is an intimate account of the man who helped-and through his works, continues to help-generations hear and understand the heart of Christianity. Book jacket.
In this hilarious picture book, all of the farm animals are ready for the seasons to change—but not Cow Rooster and his farm friends are ready for springtime play.