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Criminalizing homelessness is an act of tyranny
Street Sense Media
Daniel Kingery on the constitutional protections for sleeping outside.
6 months ago
Book excerpt: ‘The Identity Trap’ by Yascha Mounk
Harvard Gazette
In his new book, Yascha Mounk chronicles how identity politics took over, where it went wrong.
9 months ago
Animals, Fractions, and the Interpretive Tyranny of the Senses in the Dictionary
Reason Magazine
Animals, Fractions, and the Interpretive Tyranny of the Senses in the Dictionary ... The Mischief Rule, an article on statutory interpretation...
7 months ago
‘Tyranny’ by Any Other Name
American Institute for Economic Research
Sohrab Ahmari wants conservatives to stand up for the little guy against big business. Despite being an influential voice among...
4 months ago
Medieval Europe was far from democratic, but that didn’t mean tyrants got a free pass
The Conversation
Medieval Europeans thought about politics in terms of leadership and often criticized rulers for 'tyranny' − both in government and in the...
5 months ago
Democrats’ one-party tyranny is the real meaning of ‘saving democracy’
Washington Times
Democrats' one-party tyranny is the real meaning of 'saving democracy...
8 months ago
What is Tyranny of the Moment?
Alliance Times-Herald
People in poverty are often in survival mode, driven by the tyranny of the moment, where they cannot plan for the future.
8 months ago
How Wikipedia turned left, Walz’s lockdown tyranny and other commentary
New York Post
Under Gov. Tim Walz's leadership, Minnesota “endured the pandemic in a fundamentally anti-libertarian fashion,” thunders Reason's Robby...
2 months ago
Does the Constitution Have a Hidden Flaw That Could Create Tyranny? About “Gödel’s Loophole”
Independence Institute
This is the issue of “Gödel's Loophole.” It's named for mathematician Kurt Gödel, who claimed he had found such a flaw in the Constitution.
5 months ago
David Hegg | The Tyranny of Subjectivity
Santa Clarita Valley Signal
By David Hegg. First, let me lay out what I mean by “subjectivity.” Subjectivity exists when my tastes, feelings, desires,...
8 months ago