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Walter Jackson Bate has been concerned to show the organic relationship between the poet’s art and his larger, more broadly humane development.
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Walter Jackson Bate has been concerned to show the organic relationship between the poet’s art and his larger, more broadly humane development.
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Walter Jackson Bate has been concerned to show the organic relationship between the poet’s art and his larger, more broadly humane development.
bibliogroup:"Harvard paperbacks" from
Originally given as lectures at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva and at Radcliffe Institute.
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Originally given as lectures at the Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva and at Radcliffe Institute.
bibliogroup:"Harvard paperbacks" from
Explores the enduring fascination of the best-known children's books in English.
bibliogroup:"Harvard paperbacks" from
Only a scholar of Handlin's experience and expertise could have brought such a wealth of particular facts to an issue of such general importance--truth in history.