bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Hailed as the definitive work upon its original publication in 1975 and now extensively revised and updated by the author, this vastly absorbing and richly illustrated book examines film as an art form, technological innovation, big ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
An award-winning first novel in which two sisters struggle toward adulthood facing the price of loss and survival, their longing for permanence, and the deep undertow of transcience.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Hailed as the definitive work upon its original publication in 1975 and now extensively revised and updated by the author, this vastly absorbing and richly illustrated book examines film as an art form, technological innovation, big ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Hailed as the definitive work upon its original publication in 1975 and now extensively revised and updated by the author, this vastly absorbing and richly illustrated book examines film as an art form, technological innovation, big ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Hailed as the definitive work upon its original publication in 1975 and now extensively revised and updated by the author, this vastly absorbing and richly illustrated book examines film as an art form, technological innovation, big ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
This work offers insight into Puritan rituals, attitudes toward the natural word, and the creative tension between Puritan laity and clergy.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
In this magisterial book, a monument of history and biography that was awarded the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Nonfiction, a renowned journalist tells the story of John Vann—"the one irreplaceable American in Vietnam ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Set in the period between the world wars, this novel tells of two sisters, their trials, and their survival.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
A series of articles about the Constitution written between 1787 and 1789 by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Divided into four parts, this landmark volume, now available as a New Directions Paperbook, includes the complete Collected Poems of 1925 and Red Roses for Bronze (1931).