bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
This outstanding book assesses the whole sweep of American thought from the colonial era to the present day.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Originally published in 1938 along with The Fifth Column, this collection premiered "The Capital of the World" and "Old Man at the Bridge," which derive from Hemingway's experiences in Spain, as well as "The Short Happy Life of Francis ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Gravity's Rainbow, his convoluted, allusive novel about a metaphysical quest, published in 1973, further confirmed Pynchon's reputation as one of the greatest writers of the century.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Hailed as the definitive work upon its original publication in 1975 and now extensively revised and updated by the author, this vastly absorbing and richly illustrated book examines film as an art form, technological innovation, big ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
T. J. Jackson Lears draws on a wealth of primary sources — sermons, diaries, letters — as well as novels, poems, and essays to explore the origins of turn-of-the-century American antimodernism.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
An anthology encompassing The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee, and Joan of Arc features Twain's imaginative studies of the Middle Ages, in a children's classic, a unique comic-violent fantasy, and a respectful fictional ...
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Norton paperback. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 487-523.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
This edition includes fragments of Farrell's alternative ending to Judgment Day.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Barrie Thorne draws on her daily observations in the classroom and on the playground to show how children construct and experience gender in school.
bibliogroup:"American studies collection" from
Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas," through the growth of strife and conflict in the 1960s to the major issues of the 1990s. harvard Sitkoff offers not only a brilliant interpretation of the personalities and dynamics of the civils ...