Did you mean: "evidence" for+the+Power+and+Control+model
Beny, Laura Nyantung+ 2002+ The Political Economy of Insider Trading Legislation and Enforcement: International Evidence+ The Harvard John M. Olin ...
challenge others to present contrary evidence+ But in examining nearly two hun- dred sources, some sixty of which are cited here, I found not a single ...
the domestic and international contexts are similar in some regards, they will be similar ~or identical! in some new regard, for which we have no evidence+ The.
71+ Models where we control for district-level education and proxies for “cosmopolitanism” ~mag- ... and Evidence+ International Organization 48 ~4!:595–632+.
Brueckner, Jan K+ 2000+ Welfare Reform and the Race to the Bottom: Theory and Evidence+ Southern. Economic Journal 66 (3):505–25+. Brune, Nancy, Geoffrey ...
changes can deter them from issuing warnings that are not supported by evidence+. Our analysis has implications for the mechanism by which IOs exert influence,.
mal governance model provide more conclusive evidence+ The informal gover- nance model provides a causal mechanism to explain why U+S+ influence is turned.
we highlight three pieces of evidence+. First, and most simply, a complete assessment of British tax changes during. World War I shows a marked increase in ...
ences: International Survey Evidence+ In Brookings Trade Forum, 2002, edited by Susan M+ Collins and Dani Rodrik, 157–206+ Washington, D+C+: Brookings ...
Caballero, Ricardo J+, and Vittorio Corbo+ 1989+ The Effect of Real Exchange Rate Uncertainty on. Exports: Empirical Evidence+ World Bank Economic Review 3 ~2!: