"alexandrian library" from
wwwNNY I THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY SHOULD deceive the expectation of the reader if I passed in silence the fate of the Alexandrian library as it is described by the learned Abulpharagius . The spirit of Amrou was more curious and liberal ...
"alexandrian library" from
... Alexandrian library has become the library par excellence of the ancient world, and its iconic role is well evidenced by twentieth-century scholarship. There have existed more or less thorough studies gathering literary material on the ...
"alexandrian library" from
In order to meet the diversity of Alexandria's urban life and to do justice to the variety of literary and non-literary documents that bear witness to this, the volume examines the processes of identity formation from a range of different ...
"alexandrian library" from
Originally published in hardcover in 2015 by New American Library.
"alexandrian library" from
This text is intended to serve as a reference tool for undergraduate and graduate students interested in library history, for library school educators whose teaching requires knowledge of the historical development of library institutions, ...
"alexandrian library" from
In Egypt the Ptolemaic régime consolidated its power by encouraging immigration and developing settlement in the Fayum. This book examines Philadelphus' reign in a comprehensive and refreshing way.
"alexandrian library" from
The unexpected murder in the little Cotswolds town of Colombury has everyone guessing. Before the answers are found more lives are threatened.
"alexandrian library" from
THE ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY SHOULD deceive the expectation of the reader if I passed in silence the fate of the Alexandrian library as it is described by the learned Abulpharagius . The spirit of Amrou was more curious and liberal than that ...
"alexandrian library" from
... ALEXANDRIAN LIBRARY SHOULD deceive the expectation of the reader if I passed in silence the fate of the Alexandrian library as it is described by the learned Abulpharagius . The spirit of Amrou was more curious and liberal than that of ...
"alexandrian library" from
... Alexandrian library . Eclectic magazine , 72 Das alexandrinische Museum . Philologische ( Apr. 1869 ) : 496-498 . Δημητριάδης , Αθανασιος . Ιστορικὸν δοκίμιον τῶν Αλεξ- | Coleman , William Emmette . Who destroyed ανδρίνων Βιβλιοθηκών ...