Sally Hawkins interview: after her role in Happy-Go-Lucky, she tackles darker territory in Eternal Beauty

The actress is likely to be heading to more awards ceremonies for playing a schizophrenic in her latest film — but she hates life on the red carpet

Home body: Sally Hawkins
Home body: Sally Hawkins
The Sunday Times

‘Sorry, everything’s just a mess,” Sally Hawkins says as she gives me a Zoom tour. “This is my temporary office. I say temporary, but I’ve been here for two years. It’s where I work and write.” Shelves are stacked higgledy-piggledy with books, paintings and photographs, and on the wall is a photo of an exceedingly handsome Staffordshire bull terrier. “That’s my childhood best friend, Max. I loved him very much,” she explains, ducking off camera and re-emerging with a painting of Max. The next day an email arrives in my inbox with details of the artist, should I wish to commission a picture of my labradoodle, Gene.

It is the start of August and Hawkins, who confesses to finding interviews so traumatic that she sometimes