
Auckland Town Hall


Auckland CBD


Regional Facilities Auckland Ltd



Auckland Town Hall is one of Queen Street’s most prominent historic buildings, is scheduled under the council’s district plan and listed by Heritage New Zealand. It operates as a multi-functional, world class venue and is a much loved heritage building.

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In 2006, Salmond Reed Architects were appointed to prepare the specification and manage a repair and maintenance project during 2007. This included external redecoration, conservation of masonry and cast iron and the upgrading of bird-proofing.

The repair works involved specialist techniques and materials, including the repair of cast iron rainwater pipes, use of lime mortar for pointing and stone repair, and the design of a new innovative, humane bird-proofing system.

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More projects

Since 1998, Salmond Reed Architects has been actively involved in the quest to ensure that the main structure of Iona Church is secure for future generations and that the building be brought up to an acceptable level of earthquake protection.

One of only seven surviving atmospheric theatres in the world, the Civic Theatre in Auckland’s Queen Street first opened in 1929. Salmond Reed Architects played a key role in restoring the grand theatre to its former glory.

A private sanctuary offering guests luxury accommodation is designed to capture breathtaking views of the Waitemata Harbour. This new build in one of Auckland's special character suburbs employed traditional gable forms and cedar weatherboard cladding to sit comfortably alongside neighbouring heritage homes.

Contact our experienced team to discuss your project


Level 4, Landmark House
187 Queen Street
Auckland CBD 1010