🔶️ As with any #technology, AI evolves and adapts its “mental model” over time, just like #humans.

🔶️ In human terms, a Mental Model is our understanding of how something works and how our actions/interactions affect it. We form Mental Models for everything we interact with, from people and places, to products – all of which we invent.

🔶️ Indeed, every invention is an extension or enhancement of the physical and mental abilities of those who invent it. In turn, inventions reflect back on and reshape us, and our Mindset creates expectations for what a product can (or can’t) do and what humans can expect from it.

🔶️ Like neurons in the brain, Mental Models also bridge experiences to guide our interactions as technology evolves -- such as how to watch TV, browse the Internet, or explore the Metaverse.

🔶️ However, a poor #user #interface can lead to unmet expectations, frustration, and misuse. Hence, our tech models must be adaptable, which #explainable #AI can optimize and personalize for users – as with #Amazon’s e-Commerce product recommendations.

🔶️ 4 main aspects are involved, covering 12 Mental Models.



🔶️ Meta-Tools

✅ Tools allow us to do things more efficiently and productively. But, as Moore’s Law proves, most tools (such as 2D Internet) evolve to the next (3D Metaverse) level.

✅ This requires us to upgrade our #skills for the evolving Quantum AI Metaverse (#QAIMETA).


🔶️ Moonshot Missions

✅ Because only the #Future is #Manageable, the business goal or Moonshot Mission is all-important and must stay in focus.

✅ Hence, QAIMETA #strategy must be flexible enough to allow us get there safely, and on time. Failure is not an option.


🔶️ Priority Roadmap

✅ Pareto’s Law asserts that 80% of results come from 20% of resources and effort.

✅ Create a measurable #AI #DigiTransform project #roadmap and always maintain goal priorities, but be ready to reprioritize, iterate, and zig-zag as needed.



🔶️ Stakeholder Networking

✅ All networks -- in our brain, society, commerce, and AI technology -- follow #patterns.

✅ Get in harmony with those patterns to “think #stakeholder” -- from Global Village down to Family -- and use reliable and ethical online networks to build mutual #partnerships.


🔶️ Motivation and Willpower

✅ Turn your intention into consistent and persistent habits. Never procrastinate or you will lose control.

✅ Always put first things first, and that means the Future. Use #QAI to get things done faster and with greater accuracy, and for sure you will reach the future first.


🔶️ Catalytic Thinking

✅ A catalyst mindset creates breakthroughs via repeated experimentation using lots of data and solid knowledge.

✅ AI and humans can collaborate to evolve “out-of-the box” thinking to minimize risks and capitalize on opportunities.



🔶️ Lifelong Learning

✅ You can get multiple value from “learning to learn” as a lifelong activity.

✅ As the AI evolution into Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and ChatGPT demonstrates, you can adapt faster and reach goals far more effectively.

✅ QAI will do that multifold.


🔶️ Problem Solving

✅ Problems are to be solved, not ignored; they do not evaporate.

✅ Indeed, the flip side of every #problem (such as cybersecurity) is an #opportunity, which QAI can help resolve expeditiously.


🔶️ Scientific Method

✅ The scientific method leads to huge breakthroughs in knowledge and is to be ignored at our peril.

✅ This was proven when AI was used (despite naysayers) to rapidly help invent vaccines for Covid.



🔶️ Cause and Effect

✅ Some trends are either #augmented or counteracted by other trends, in feedback loops.

✅ This helps to identify root causes and red flags, and to take appropriate steps to optimize desired outcomes. This is key to solving the #cybersecurity issue.


🔶️ Compound Feedback

✅ Any former banker (such as myself) is well-versed in the “rule of 72” which speaks to compound interest, both on savings and debts.

✅ Positive feedback helps the mind focus on #compound #opportunities and risks. AI can help greatly in gathering user feedback.


🔶️ Remove Biases

✅ Our human mind has biases that can lead to good/bad thoughts and actions.

✅ We must remain objective, open-minded, and consider other viewpoints that will best achieve our collective goals. ChatGPT is trying to resolve this decision-making issue.


✅ Thanks for Reading my QAIMETA BUSINESS STRATEGIES daily LinkedIn Newsletter. It's FREE and has 6,700+ “subscribers” – including many CxOs worldwide. Please join them. (Switch on Newsletter Notifications to be Notified when each issue gets published.)



Frank Feather

🔴Let's Reinvent Your Business with QAIMETA (Quantum + AI + Metaverse) Strategies 🔴World-Leading🌐"Glocal" Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Board/CSuite Advisor 🔴NOTE: 30% Referral Fee Paid for all Engagements ✅


Thanks for liking this Naser Shahverdi

Frank Feather

🔴Let's Reinvent Your Business with QAIMETA (Quantum + AI + Metaverse) Strategies 🔴World-Leading🌐"Glocal" Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Board/CSuite Advisor 🔴NOTE: 30% Referral Fee Paid for all Engagements ✅


Thanks for liking this Mondher sadok Kortas

Frank Feather

🔴Let's Reinvent Your Business with QAIMETA (Quantum + AI + Metaverse) Strategies 🔴World-Leading🌐"Glocal" Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Board/CSuite Advisor 🔴NOTE: 30% Referral Fee Paid for all Engagements ✅


Thanks for liking this George Touryliov ✔

Frank Feather

🔴Let's Reinvent Your Business with QAIMETA (Quantum + AI + Metaverse) Strategies 🔴World-Leading🌐"Glocal" Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Board/CSuite Advisor 🔴NOTE: 30% Referral Fee Paid for all Engagements ✅


Thanks for liking this Maria Santos

Frank Feather

🔴Let's Reinvent Your Business with QAIMETA (Quantum + AI + Metaverse) Strategies 🔴World-Leading🌐"Glocal" Futurist, Keynote Speaker, Board/CSuite Advisor 🔴NOTE: 30% Referral Fee Paid for all Engagements ✅


Thanks for liking this Nicola Codipietro

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