Michał Słota’s Post [Video]

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Business Development 🌍| R&D 🔬| Doctor of Medical Science 🎓 | Plant & soil health expert 🌱 | Keynote speaker 🗣️

The elegance of meandering river dance 🏞💃 DID YOU KNOW❓ 💡 Meandering rivers play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of aquatic and riparian ecosystems. 📚 A meandering river is a river that forms a sinuous or winding path as it flows through a landscape, creating diverse habitats for a wide range of aquatic and terrestrial species. 🐟 The shallow areas of the river and the floodplains created by the river's meandering path provide important breeding, feeding, and nesting sites for fish, amphibians, reptiles, and birds, as well as a wide range of habitats for plant species. 💧 Meandering rivers also play a vital role in maintaining water quality and regulating the flow of water. The slow-moving water in the shallow areas of the river allows sediment and pollutants to settle, reducing erosion and improving water quality. 🌍 It is thus crucial to manage and protect meandering rivers to ensure their ecological functions are preserved for future generations. 🎬 Video: Peruvian Ucayali River, a main headstream of the Amazon River (credits: Guido Cencini, Landsat timelapse based on Google Earth images processed using Streamlit geospatial App by Prof. Qiusheng Wu). #nature #biodiversity #sustainability

Bradley Gore

Biochemist/ mass spectrometry/ GIS


Einstein had a hobby of studying river meanders. It was how the Coriolis effect of the Earths rotation was noticeable in the physical geography of meanders. Einstein, A., 1954, The cause of the formation of meanders in the courses of rivers and of the so-called Baer's Law, pp. 249-253 in Ideas and Opinions.

George Vourloumis

Farm animal nutritionist


Meander=symbol of eternity(sustainability) in Ancient Greece.🤝

Adil Altayeb

مهندس زراعي .. قسم وقاية نباتات ... تخصص امراض نبات ... رعاية وانتاج محاصيل بستانية .. مدير مشروع ومساعد مدير مشروع


Every day brings us new information. Thank you Dr.Michal

Mario Sigrist

RD&I / Seeds & Traits / Biotech


It also plays an important role in biogeography and evolution, as the dynamic isolation of populations may lead to speciation depending on the time scale. One of the reasons why we have megadiversity hotspots as Amazonia.

John Plonski

Controls Engineer at Kaiser Aluminum


A couple other effects of river meanders, it provides fertile farmland, we have some of that in west Michigan, also, sunk river boats have been found in the middle of a crop fields. The boat sinks in a river, the riverbed moves, and years later, someone finds it on dry land.

Juan Cadenas



Cómo los lobos cambiaron el curso de los ríos en Yellowstone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkvUuBICryY

Sidney Davis

President, Davis2 Consulting Earth Scientists and Environmental Services Consultant


Use Google maps and search for Tunica, MS and look just west toward the Mississippi River.

Rayne Gibson

Building businesses and people is my passion🌿Horticulture Business Advisor🪴Green Industry Advocate🌵Speaker


There is something to say about this and how it relates to business pivoting.... 🤔

Arnaldo Rodrigues

Biólogo com mestrado em Ecologia de Agroecossistema (Ecologia Aplicada). na Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz - ESALQ/USP


Muito interessante poder ver as marcas de outros momentos deixados na paisagem

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