In conversation with Harper’s Bazaar’s editor-in-chief Lydia Slater at the headline event for Bazaar At Work Week, held in partnership with UBS and Porsche, the former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard offered advice about how to make your voice heard as a female leader. Here are her 10 key recommendations…

Balance is key

“As we’ve confronted this pandemic, some of the women around the world have struck exactly the right note of strength and empathy. They have been prepared to listen to the experts and to enact the measures that the signs tell us are necessary. In that sense, it’s been an interesting to watch different models of leadership. I certainly think that this more consensual, evidence-lead style is coming into its own.”

julia gillard, former prime minister of australiapinterest
Rise Media
Lydia Slater in conversation with Julia Gillard

Flatten the hierarchy

“When I became Prime Minister, I wanted to be the first among equals within the team.”

Beware of your unconscious bias

“The whirring stereotypes at the back of all of our brains mean when we close our eyes and are asked to picture a leading politician or CEO, we’re more likely to see a man in a suit than we are a woman. But by acknowledging that sexist baggage, we can second-guess ourselves.”

Don’t let others’ opinions define you

“Much earlier in my career, I used to watch more senior people than me, particularly women, let what was said about them in the media define their self. On a day of good headlines, they’d be on top of the world, and if the media wasn’t positive, they’d be sad and sorry. And I always thought to myself, that’s a crazy rollercoaster to get yourself on – I don’t want to be on that rollercoaster.”

Find a way of handling sexism and criticism objectively

“I developed this trick where I could absorb criticism of myself in the public sphere as if it were written about a third person. That way, I could analyse it as a political problem without feeling it deeply within myself.”

Practice makes perfect

“Resilience is a muscle. You can work it, build it up throughout your career so that when you need it, it’s nice and strong.”

Embrace your legacy

“The more the public see women lead, the easier it gets for them. Jacinda Ardern is crystal-clear about the fact her experience isn’t the same as mine because she’s the third woman to lead her nation, and I was the first. The fact that I’ve been here in Australia means it will be easier for the next woman.”

Fighting sexism shouldn’t be just a woman’s job

“If anything, the woman it’s happening to might be in the most difficult position of all to point it out: she might be feeling disempowered, or worried that calling it out may be seen as self-interest. Whereas bystanders, particularly men, can do so and be seen as bringing it to the fore with no conflict of interest. The responsibility to expose sexism is on all of our shoulders.”

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Be brave

“Go for it. Don’t hold yourself back, don’t limit yourself and don’t be dissuaded because there’s still differential treatment of women.”

Data is your ally

“It disturbs me that too much of what we do to create gender equality isn’t evidence-based. Make every minute you put into women’s equality count by using the facts.”

Raise your voice

“We’re all more powerful if we’re out there advocating collectively. I know life’s complicated, can be pressurised and not every woman can do this all of the time, but over your years of leadership, to whatever extent you can, use that knowledge and that voice to make a difference and make more space for women.”

Buy a ticket to watch the full interview with Julia Gillard, available for download until 31 December, here.