Superhero movies! What can you say? A lot of shit happens in them. Sometimes good. Sometimes bad. But so much shit happens in these flicks, apparently, that sometimes, the people who star in them don't even know the finer details of what goes down in them.

Take Margot Robbie, who plays the wisecracking Harley Quinn in the DC Cinematic Universe. She's out and about promoting The Suicide Squad, the quasi-sequel-retcon of 2016's Suicide Squad. And of course, this is hardly her first appearance as the character, having recently starred in 2020's Birds of Prey. Plus, even more recently, Zack Snyder's Justice League name-checked Harley Quinn. In the end of the film, Batman informs the Joker that Harley Quinn died in his arms. Damn. Now, you'd think Snyder would've sent an email, maybe even a text, to Robbie letting her know of her character's tragic off-screen demise. Nope. Check out this excerpt from Robbie's recent interview with Entertainment Weekly.

But Margot, what do you think of the revelation earlier this year, in the future-set scene at the end of Zack Snyder's Justice League, that her character had died? "Whaaat?" says Robbie, genuinely flabbergasted. "I didn't know that." She laughs. "Thank you for telling me!"

Whoopsie. If you had any hopes that the often perilous state of the DCEU had improved in any way, then you can sulk back to your Marvel movies. It's a little concerning that the communication over at DC is at the point where Robbie isn't up to date with the studio's plans, even adding in the interview that she doesn't know if or when Quinn will return to the screen. Oh well. Here's hoping that The Suicide Squad gives the cinematic universe the jumpstart it needs.