
The Essential Things to Know Before You Visit Rome

Follow these tips, and you may even be mistaken for a local.
Trevi fountain in Rome

What brings us back to Rome time and again is not the Colosseum or Pantheon (though we always make a point of strolling past both whenever in town), but the effortlessly chic Roman way of life, from their style to the way they say hello to the way they take their coffee. With Rome, blending in is both practical and aspirational.

How to Greet People

There are numerous ways to greet people in Italy, the most common of which is “ciao,” used for both “hi” and “bye.” But this is a casual greeting, so when you arrive at a restaurant or check in to your hotel, use the more formal “buongiorno” instead. From the late afternoon onwards, this becomes “buona sera”; when you say goodnight to someone, say “buonanotte.” To say goodbye formally during the day, “arrivederci” is the most polite.

Do give a kiss on either cheek if you're a woman embracing another woman or a man. Left first, right second.

Don’t greet another man with a kiss if you're a man. You will sometimes see men kissing each other on either cheek, but only if they’re close friends. A handshake is more appropriate for a first meeting.

Learning the Language

English is not spoken as widely in Rome as it is in other European capitals, so locals appreciate it when visitors make an effort to converse in Italian. In hotels and many restaurants, someone will be on hand to speak in English if you get stuck, but a quick “ciao” or a courteous “grazie" (thanks) will always go down well. Though a simple "scusi, non parlo Italiano" (sorry, I don't speak Italian) will work across the board.

What to Wear

Italians pride themselves on their fashion sense, particularly in the nation’s capital. One staple that will serve you well is a stylish pair of sunglasses, but if you arrive without shades, there are plenty of places to buy your eyewear out on the street. A stylish scarf can also help dress up even the most casual outfit. It’s not a problem to wear jeans, but Italians tend to go high-end even with their denim—so no holes or rips, please. You’ll also want to invest in the right footwear: You don't have to ditch sneakers for pumps (which do not work on the cobbled streets), but make sure you have a stylish pair of street shoes, like Common Projects.

How to Get Around

It can be challenging to rush from one place to the other in Rome, so allow extra time while traveling. The streets are busy and people tend to walk at a leisurely place. Try not to let this bother you, and if you’re really in a hurry, opt for one of the white taxis, which you’ll find at ranks around the city and can also hail on the street. Note, when crossing the road, cars will not stop for you first. Be brave and step out at the crosswalks. The drivers will slow down if they see you crossing. The Roman subway is significantly improved now that the third line, the C, opened last year, but it is still crowded and not that expansive. Rome is small, and all sites are within a reasonable walking distance. If you can, get around on foot.

At the Coffee Bar

After 1 p.m., the only coffees you should be ordering are espressos or macchiatos. Lattes and cappuccinos are strictly morning-only. Also, if you want a latte, be sure to order a "caffe latte." If you don't say "caffe" first, you will be served a glass of warm milk. To really impress the locals, refer to cappuccino as "cappuccio," like the Romans do. And know that if you want to sit at a table to have your coffee, you'll have to pay more than if you stand at the bar. Just head out as soon as your coffee is finished to make room for the next person.

Local tips

Do treat the elder generation with courtesy. Use more formal salutations, like buongiorno instead of ciao and be sure to offer your seat when on public transportation. Italians are respectful of their elders, as informal as their relationship might be with “nonna,” or grandma.

Don’t block the doors on public transportation. This can be difficult during rush hour, but it’s common courtesy to leave space by the doors so people can exit—many subways and buses don’t give much time for people to board. If that’s not possible, just step off to allow people to exit and then hop back on.

Do take a moment to chat to with the locals, whether you’re in a taxi, at the hotel bar, or a local restaurant. Romans are a warm and friendly people; you’d be unlucky to encounter someone who didn’t love to talk about the joys of Italian cuisine or history.

Don’t feel like you have to respond to a catcall. It’s pretty common in Rome for women to get attention in the street. Most of the time, this is totally harmless and playful. You’re far more likely to hear “complimenti!” than you are something offensive and distasteful. It's all part of street life, and doesn't warrant a retort.

This article was originally published in 2014. It has been updated with new information.