Devil’s Punchbowl

After going to Linda Falls, we had plenty of time available that needed to be killed. I knew of another small waterfall in the Angwin area, and thought we might be able to get to it.

I wasn’t sure precisely where it was. I knew where the trail supposedly started. I wasn’t sure about access, and if it would be posted against trespassing. As it turned out, it wasn’t posted. The trail is on private land, but they allow access to the public. Gotta like that. I also wasn’t sure exactly where the waterfall was along the trail. It was like the blind leading the blind. We followed the trail down to the bottom of the canyon, and came to a 3 way junction. This was where I became unsure. Do we go left, right, or straight ahead? I had no idea. But the trail straight ahead looked most promising because it cut straight down directly to the creek very steeply. George and Paul stayed up top, while I went down to investigate. And very shortly, I came to the creek and the small waterfall. I knew this was the right spot because the creek dropped into a very cool looking swimming hole, sort of like a big amphitheatre or something. It was gorgeous. I called up to the others to come down to see it. To get down to the bottom of the falls, though, required crossing the creek above the falls on very slippery rocks, then following a path up and around and back down to the bottom of the falls. It was a bit tricky, but we managed, though George elected to stay behind for this part. Even though the falls is only 14 ft. high, it is definitely a very scenic one, and it is obvious why this is a popular swimming hole in the summer.


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