Bandai Japan Updates Tamagotchi Logo on Twitter Profile


We love a branding update! Looks like Bandai Japan has updated not only the Tamagotchi logo on their Twitter profile, but also their banner! The logo no longer spells out the full Tamagotchi name, rather just TMGC inside of a Tamagotchi silhouette. The same iconic branding and font has made the cut for this update. Tamagotchi logo that was released back in 2021 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the iconic brand.

The banner features the full Tamagotchi logo with the graphics from the Tamagotchi Smart packaging, along with Mametchi smiling and waving, and Kuchipatchi sitting down, smiling as always.

Now can someone give Bandai Japan the memo to update their Instagram profile? It still features the 25th anniversary logo, which is so 2021!

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