Vatican Museums - Musei Vaticani - Roma

The School of Athens, Raphael

The School of Athens, Raphael

The Vatican Museums have been the centrality of art and culture for millennia. Visiting the Museums needs time, memory, passion and a lot of curiosity.

In the Raphael Rooms, the Renaissance master, Raphael Sanzio, imposes the supreme beauty, confirms the existence of magnificence, harmony and love. Plato and Aristotle discuss passionately. In their gestures, there are concentration and authority. The environment is prestigious, eminent. It is a Heaven of science, thought, life and God. With Plato and Aristotle, there are Socrates, Xenophon, Epicurus, Federico Gonzaga, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Diogenes, Euclid, Ptolemy, Protogenes. There is also the great Muslim philosopher Averroé. The being human is in the centre of the world.

Among many heroic characters, there is a surprise. Sideways, peering at the spectators, there is the self-portrait of Raphael. Raphael belongs to the School of wisdom, civilization, knowledge of humanity.

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Credit photo:

Roberto Matteucci

“There’d he even less chance in a next life,” she smiled.
“In the old days, people woke up at dawn to cook food to give to monks. That’s why they had good meals to eat. But people these days just buy ready-to-eat food in plastic bags for the monks. As the result, we may have to eat meals from plastic bags for the next several lives.”

Letter from a Blind Old Man, Prabhassorn Sevikul (Nilubol Publishing House, 2009)

17th International Architecture Exhibition 22 May - 21 November 2021


Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum