Five-minute, no-fuss styles for Crazy Hair Day

Our son’s elementary school had Spirit Week leading up to Easter, and one of the days was Crazy Hair Day. 
I’m not exaggerating when I say I had been waiting my ENTIRE PARENTING LIFE for it.
I was even MORE excited when I realized it fell on a Wednesday, which is the day C and I take him to school early and volunteer at the breakfast program (serving cereal, toasting waffles, and occasionally wrecking oatmeal). 
Which meant we could participate, too. OMGGGGGG!!!
Of course, we already get up at the crack of crow-pee for school, and we get up even earlier on Wednesdays so we can get to school by 7:25 to start making breakfast for the students. That meant we needed EASY Crazy Hair Day styles that I could execute on all three of us very quickly.
Here’s what we came up with … 
Crazy Hair Day Cupcake Hair
1. Make a high ponytail. (I gelled C’s hair but in the end, I realized it would have been fine without the gel.)

2. Cut a hole/square in the middle of a paper plate.

3. Slip the ponytail through the hole in the plate, and then cut another hole in the middle of a cupcake liner.

4. Slip the ponytail through the hole in the cupcake liner, twist the ponytail into a bun, and wrap it with an elastic.

5. Decorate your cupcake with sparkly clips or stick a candle in the middle to make it a birthday cupcake.

It’s almost like a little fascinator! We saw a couple of other girls with this hairstyle — some with just the liners and not the plate.

This next picture cracks me up because it looks like swirly chocolate icing!

Next up, I needed a simple Crazy Hair Day idea for D, who is in Grade 1. He’s Lego-obsessed, so of course we wanted to make …

Crazy Hair Day Lego Hair

1. Round up some plain barrettes or clips (I bought a bunch of these double-prong alligator clips years ago for making clips for C) and some pieces of brightly-coloured Lego.

Don’t worry, it won’t be harmed.

2. Hot-glue the Lego to the clips and stick them haphazardly all over your kid’s hair. I gelled D’s first to make it look like a Lego tornado.

I was surprised that he didn’t see a single other kid at school with Crazy Lego Hair. It was such an easy one to do!

Finally, I needed a hairstyle for myself. I looked all over Pinterest and I had lots of options since my hair is long. BUT I wasn’t going to mess around with dyes or sprays, especially at 6 a.m., and a lot of the styles involved colouring your hair or attacking it with glitter. (Fun, but … not at 6 a.m.)

When I saw the pop-bottle hairstyles, I knew it was the perfect one for this Diet Coke-lovin’ Mama …

Crazy Hair Day Pop Bottle Hair

1. Take an empty pop bottle that’s sized appropriately for the amount of hair you have.

I have tons of long, thick (too-thick) hair, so I needed a 2L bottle. If I’d been doing C’s hair, I would have used one of those tiny 355ml bottles.

2. Put your hair in a really high ponytail.

3. Cut a hole between the middle and the bottom of the bottle. It should be approximately the diameter of your ponytail so that it stays nicely in place.

4. Twirl your ponytail into a long swirl (just to make it more compact) and cram it into the hole you cut in the bottle.

Shake the bottle slightly to get your hair to fall down to the neck of the bottle, and grab the strands to pull them through (I could only get some of mine through) so it looks like your hair is pop pouring out of the bottle.


I didn’t even need bobby pins to get the bottle to stay in place — it gripped the elastic of my ponytail and stayed on for hours.

I saw quite a few girls at school with this style, and some even had a paper cup affixed to the side of their head to “catch” the pop.

Driving to and from school, though? Not easy. I had to duck my head to keep the bottle from whacking the ceiling every time I moved.

A small price to pay for Diet Coke Hair, though. 😉

Pin these ideas to remember them for your next Crazy Hair Day!

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