Upperatmoslight1Stunning images of the seldom seen elusive sky phenomenon known as sprites. These brilliant strands of red light surge outbound from the tops of clouds towards space by thunderstorms emitting lightning. “Sprites can reach 50-60 miles into space and penetrate downward in middle stratosphere 15-20 miles high with jellyfish-like tendrils.” 20200603_18073720200806_15045720200603_18095420200603_180847God’s Majestic displays of lightenings or thunder are interpreted in by scientists and religious people as signs from gods. In the Bible God displays thunder cloud lightening as sign of HIS presence if God reveals HIMSELF to HIS people. God has natural phenomena displaying majestic wonders. The seven Thunders sealed by Daniel from God’s Throne room are end time signs and wonders from heaven.imrs (1)This sprite in Oklahoma in milliseconds barely visible from ground due to cloud in the way few sprites observed. Ahrns, a graduate student at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and crew of scientists flew on several sprite-hunting missions from NCAR’s Research Aviation Flight Facility centre. ISS provides perspective on the Earth’s Weather from above sky.imrsThere was bizarre happenings in upper atmosphere of the earth so new mission wanted to know more. This was done by Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor (ASIM) brought to International Space Station on Monday observed the strange electricity phenomena occurring over a thunderstorm. ISS operating at a height circulated over 400 km, offered perfect view of turbulent weather earth. ASIM deployed aboard the station that month.Media Caption A thunderstorms by ISS. Electrifying effects of storms observed from the space station. When lightning strikes, something completely different happens over the tops of clouds. Known as Transient Luminous Events (TLE the unusual features were first discovered by chance. Thunderstorms are some of the most spectacular events in nature but what is seen from surface of our planet is just beginnings of wonders. 

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CWG’s Don Lipman wrote post in 2012. NCAR’s Research Aviation Flight Facility in Boulder Related: Red sprites, blue jets, mysterious elusive phenomena.


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