Saxton Freymann, Author & Illustrator

A note from Misty, FJECC Blue Room Teacher, on her love for the books by author & illustrator Saxton Freymann.

Saxton Freymann’s unique use of food sculpture and photography make for memorable, creative, and silly illustrations.  Coupled with short sentences of text or idioms, which often rhyme, Freymann’s books have been a favorite of Misty’s since she was first introduced to them in her Children’s Literature class in college.  She owns almost all of his books and highly recommends them all!

Fun fact: Freymann’s illustrations are reminiscent of those of Israeli author and illustrator- Hanoch Piven who visited FJECC this past month and inspired families, children, and educators to “look for the faces” in various found objects, just as Freymann does with his medium of produce!