


I really love this pairing a ton.  To paraphrase @simonbaz talking about my previous comic that I made with Mulan in it, Mulan pairs really well with flirtier girls because Mulan is incredibly awkward and not entirely sure of herself.  I think that Jasmine works well with that because Jasmine is very self-assured, and knows what she does and does not want in a relationship and Mulan could easily fill that.  Mulan would never treat Jasmine as a prize to be won and probably would not be the one to approach her about a relationship but also almost certainly wouldn’t approach her father because a random soldier is hardly a suitable match for a princess, much less a cross-dressing one.

Also, who fits the role of “A girl who’s got a brain, who always speaks her mind” better than Jasmine? 

Additionally, I think that the Ping/Jasmine dynamic has a lot of potential for interesting storytelling. I deliberately left Mulan’s gender identity vague in the comic because I like the diversity of headcanons concerning that.

Bonus Panel


@convenientalias just came out with an awesome fanfic that apparently my comic inspired!

Read it here.

[Images:  fancomic of the Disney film characters Mulan and Jasmine. Mulan, in a military uniform, is shown bleeding at the waist while Jasmine holds the warrior close.

Jasmine: You’re going to be okay.

After the doctor attends to Mulan, the warrior is trying to cover a bandaged torso.

Mulan: I can explain!

Jasmine: (smiling) You could. Or… (sitting by the bed and placing a hand by Mulan) you could let me thank you for saving my life.

The bonus panel shows Jasmine smiling and asking, “What do I call you now?”]

Posted on 1 Jul 2020 6:01pm (3 years ago) with 1,169 notes
source: disneyfemslashcomics | via: sharonaparadox
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