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The 10 Best Dr. Cox Episodes of ‘Scrubs’

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Listen up, jokers, because I re-he-he-he-he-heally do not want to repeat myself: Scrubs is leaving Netflix on May 2. Since the streaming service is giving this fervently adored sitcom the ol’ do-not-resuscitate order, we only have a limited time to revisit the comedic brilliance that is Dr. Percival “Perry” Cox.

Portrayed by John C. McGinley, the cantankerous man of medicine was the steely true north of Bill Lawrence’s early-aughts NBC series. The actor imbued the rant-loving doctor with an undeniable heart and kinetic charisma that belied his gruff exterior. To know Dr. Cox was to fear Dr. Cox, but to watch Dr. Cox was to be endlessly entertained by the theatrical prowess of an actor who seemed to genuinely love his character. While Zach Braff was the unquestionable star of the series, each member of the show’s immensely talented ensemble was worthy of the limelight. No one more so than the Hugh Jackman-loathing Dr. Cox.

Quite simply, John C. McGinley made every scene on Scrubs just a little bit better. Need proof? See for yourself by streaming the 10 best Dr. Cox episodes of Scrubs.


Season 1, Episode 1: "My First Day"


Dr. Cox and J.D.’s epic nine-year “unwilling mentor/eager protégé” relationship begins, naturally, in the pilot as J.D.’s wide-eyed optimism instantly clashes with Dr. Cox’s tenacious fury. This was our first glimpse at McGinley’s ineffable ability to make nasty dialogue and jerky behavior inexplicably endearing.

There’s just something so oddly charming about a person who’s confident enough to insult you with a giant smile plastered on their face.

[Watch the Scrubs pilot on Netflix]


Season 2, Episode 8: "My Fruit Cups"


Dr. Cox and Jordan’s relationship isn’t exactly vision board material, but the pair do possess a unique kinship that fans find endearing.

Despite being pregnant with another man’s baby (spoiler: Nope! It’s Dr. Cox’s kid), Perry can’t help but admit that he still loves Jordan. When forced to choose between Julie Keaton (guest star Heather Locklear) and Jordan, Dr. Cox of course selects the only character on the series more acerbic than him.

[Watch “My Fruit Cups” on Netflix]


Season 3, Episode 14: "My Screw Up"

Bill Lawrence was never shy about infusing his absurdist comedy with authenticity, but “My Screw Up” elevated the series to a whole new level.

The end of episode reveal, Joshua Radin’s “Winter,” John C. McGinley’s stoic melancholy — the final scene of this exceptional episode is the perfect marriage between acting, writing, and storytelling. Unsurprisingly, “My Screw Up” was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Writing in a Comedy Series. Wonderfully portrayed by Brendan Fraser, the character of Ben did a wonderful job humanizing Dr. Cox.

While the show never explicitly revealed where Ben lived, my guess would be Encino, man.

[Watch “My Screw Up” on Netflix]


Season 3, Episode 15: "My Tormented Mentor"

No series toggled between offbeat humor and genuine emotion better than Scrubs. From J.D.’s wonderfully absurd daydreams to this tender scene between Dr. Cox and Jordan dealing with the loss of a loved one, Scrubs was nimble enough to make you laugh out loud or sob uncontrollably.

[Watch “My Tormented Mentor” on Netflix]


Season 4, Episode 1: "My Old Friend's New Friend"

We need to take a moment to marvel at the unimpeachable brilliance of John C. McGinley’s ranting ability. Honestly, the actor is unrivaled in the art of the dulcet diatribe. His expressive face and animated arm movements help enhance his argument as he eviscerates the unlucky individual who happens to be the target of his unrelenting wrath.

“Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. How dare he.”

[Watch “My Old Friend’s New Friend” on Netflix]


Season 4, Episode 6: "My Cake"

Sometimes the smallest moments are the ones that mean the most.

Dr. Cox isn’t a character who’s got a firm grasp on his emotions, which is what makes the conclusion of “My Cake” so powerful. After the death of J.D.’s father, Dr. Cox isn’t exactly a pillar of emotional stability; in fact he’s the exact opposite as he punches J.D in the face. But when the chips are down, Dr. Cox delivers exactly what J.D. needs to hear as the normally reticent mentor places an awkward arm around his protégé and says, “Truth be told there, Newbie. I’m proud of you.”

It’s not quite as sad as listening to “Cats in the Cradle” on a deserted baseball field after drinking three beers, but it’s pretty darn close.

[Watch “My Cake” on Netflix]


Season 5, Episode 20: "My Lunch"

For a sitcom that reveled in absurdist humor, Scrubs was adept at accurately portraying the nuances of human relationships when the moment called for it.

While the Dr. Cox/J.D. relationship mostly relied upon a mentor/mentee dynamic, the show would occasionally flip the switch and allow the notoriously stubborn Dr. Cox to take advice from J.D. In the Season 5 episode “My Lunch,” it looks as if J.D. is going to pull Dr. Cox out of an emotional tailspin when a slew of transplant patients die after receiving organs from a donor who had rabies.

What happens next is one of the finest acted, emotionally-stirring scenes in Scrubs history. McGinley’s performance combined with The Fray’s “How to Save a Life” make for an unforgettable television moment.


Season 5, Episode 21: "My Fallen Idol"

This episode is a masterclass on theatrical subtlety.

John C. McGinley conveys so much with a simple look or minor gesture. The continuation from “My Lunch,” the complex relationship between J.D. and Dr. Cox continues to evolve as young Dr. Dorian receives a well-earned, emotionally-cathartic thank you from the man whose respect he so desperately craves.

[Watch “My Fallen Idol” on Netflix]


Season 6, Episode 6: "My Musical"

Looks like McGinley can use those pipes for more than just yelling!

First, if you haven’t had the pleasure of watching the Scrubs musical episode, stop, drop, and scroll down to the bottom of this blurb and click away.

Second, who knew JCM could sing? In typical Dr. Cox form, the curmudgeonly M.D. performs a delightful musical rant in a Gilbert and Sullivan-style patter song.

[Watch “My Musical” on Netflix]


Season 8, Episode 18: "My Finale: Part 2"

This scene. Wow. I get a bit misty eyed every single time Dr. Dad says that J.Me is a “damn exceptional person.” I think, maybe, just maybe, on some level, it reminds me of my own father. Who knows?

Sitcom finales often employ a treacly sentimentality as characters go off to that big commercial break in the sky, but Scrubs didn’t waver from its identity as J.D. and Dr. Cox say goodbye for the final time (on NBC).

“You smell like a father figure.”

[Watch “My Finale: Part 2” on Netflix]

Where to stream Scrubs