
noted computer gremlinizer

  • they/any

working on a @styx-os.



"accidentally-vengeful telco nerd"
—Tom Scott

platform sec researcher, OS dev, systems architect, composer; Other (please specify). vintage computer/electronics nut.

I am open to tag suggestions - if there is something you want me to tag on my posts, leave a comment. <3

take a look at
this cool bug I found 🪲
posts from @sirocyl tagged #gnu


tux represents the kernel.
gnu represents the, well, gnu coreutils.
and xenia represents the linux community.

how does that sound?


(Image acknowledgements/attribution beneath the fold.)

(images: Tux, Xenia, and the GNU logo. Marks: Linux®.)

Tux by Larry Ewing (historical page/archive.) Acknowledgements given to The GIMP as the tool of choice (also a historical page/archive.)

GNU logo, "A Bold GNU head", via the GNU Project, as a ™ of the GNU Project, used without permission; as a work, CC-BY-SA 2.0.

Xenia image from @QuestForTori on Twitter, based on the Xenia character design "Linux Fox" by Alan Mackey; informative site here.

Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

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