Rosa chinensis from
... chinensis , 320 . Rosa Bodinieri , 315 . Rosa bracteata , 319 , 337 . Rosa Brownii , 307 . Rosa Brunonii , 306 , 334 , 336 . Rosa Brunonis , 307 , 336 . Rosa Camellia ... Rosa Indica vulgaris , 320 . Rosa intermedia , 316 654 INDEX.
Rosa chinensis from
... Rosa moschata Spain 2x Roxburghii 2x Guinong No. 6 Resistant to powdery mildew WOB Old Blush Rosa chinensis 2x GGFC Golden Gate 4x Male Comments Progeny Same as female produced by selfing the female R. wichurana hybrid R. wichurana ...
Rosa chinensis from
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Rosa chinensis from
... chinensis . Nyssa sessiliflora , 46091 . Opuntia sp . , 46135 . Oryzopsis miliacea , 46223 . Pachyrhizus angulatus ... Rosa spp . , 46002 , 46079 . chinensis , 46058 , 46078 . foetida , 46077 . lutea . See Rosa foetida ...
Rosa chinensis from
... ROSA L. , nom . cons . - ROSE - Rosaceae Rosa xalba L. [ parentage uncertain ] CN : white rose , white - rose - of ... chinensis × R. × damascena or R. gallica ] CN : Bourbon rose ; Dan . : bourbonrose ; Ger . : Bourbon - Rose ECON ...
Rosa chinensis from
... chinensis x R. gallica HYBRID CHINESE ROSES Such as General Jacqueminot , Paul Verdier , Fair Rosa- mund , Souvenir de Pierre Dupuy and others . THE PRINCIPAL GARDEN ROSES THE 19th -- 20th 19th -- 20th CENTURIES The Suburban Water ...
Rosa chinensis from
... Rosa x centifolia var . pomponia , ' Rose de Meaux ' from The Genus Rosa ( 1914 ) . Vol III , pl 119 , by Alfred ... chinensis var . semperflorens , ' Slater's Crimson China ' from Botanical Magazine 284 ( 1794 ) , illustration by ...
Rosa chinensis from
... Rosa chinensis manetti . Daucus carota ( carrot ) . Azalea sp ... Laurocerasus reynvani . Rosa sp . ( rose ) - 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 Rosa canina var . Senff .. 1 Rosa chinensis manetti . 9 .do ... 1 _do_ do . Rosa canina var . Broggs ...
Rosa chinensis from
... Rosa banksiae × ' Alba Plena , ' 67 , 508 , 510 Rosa ' Blush Noisette , ' 430 Rosa ' Buff Beauty , ' 442 Rosa ' Champneys ' Pink Cluster , ' 430 Rosa chinensis , 422–28 Rosa chinensis ' Cl . Cramoisi Superieur , ' 413-14 , 419 , 425-27 Rosa ...
Rosa chinensis from
... Rosa chinensis CC - NBS - LRR CC_Rosa chinensis XP_024175241 Rosa chinensis TIR - NBS - LRR TIR Rosa chinensis AEE43926 Rosa multiflora CC - NBS - LRR CC_Rosa multiflora AFP55538 Rosa rugosa CC - NBS - LRR CC_Rosa rugosa EFJ08305 ...